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Her Circle Leadership Certified Coaches

Her Circle Leadership Certified Coaches have completed our program and are practiced in coaching and guiding women in the  7 tenets of leadership. They bring the tenets to their own coaching, consulting or training philosophy and style providing women and organizations with  many options for transformational development and growth opportunities.

Summer '23 Cohort

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Winter/Spring '23 Cohort

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Fall '22 Cohort

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Meet the HCL Certified Coaches

Following certification, Her Circle Leadership coaches have the opportunity to benefit from:

  • Continued learning and support through Monthly Coach Circle Sessions available exclusively for certified coaches

  • Interviews on the Her Circle Leadership podcasts

  • Promoting coaches' blogs, podcasts, etc.  on our website, newsletter and on social media 

  • Referrals for clients via the Her Circle Leadership Referral Network

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Cary Broussard

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Rebecca Brooks

Certified Circle Leadership Coach

Deanna Brown

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Anne Cutler 

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Eglantina Gjermeni

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Peter Heymann

Certified Circle Leadership Coach

Monica N. Hutton

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Samantha V. Luna

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Melissa Maher

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Kathy Opp

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Marnie Omanoff

Certified Circle Leadership Coach

Charlie M. Palumbo

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Glynn Perry

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Dr. Daniela Silitra

Certified Circle Leadership Coach

Lauren Supina

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Dr. Jennifer Todd

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Jessica Velasco

Certified Circle Leadership Coach
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Katy Warren

Certified Circle Leadership Coach

Get Certified!

Women’s Leadership Coach Certification Program

Designed for qualified coaches, consultants, HR consultants, learning & development and talent management professionals  who want to impact the leadership and career development of WOMEN.

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